Balance of Payments -

Balance of Payments - 

  • Balance of Payments
    • A measure of money in flows and out flows between the U.S. and the rest of the world
      • In flows = Credits
      • Out flows = Debits
    • The balance of payments is divided into three accounts
      • Current account
      • Capital/Financial account
      • Official reserves
      • The capital and current account, must zero each other out
      • Current Account:
        • Balance of trades or Net exports
          • Export: Credit/Asset
          • Import: Debit/Liability
        • Net foreign income/Net Investment
          • Income earned by U.S. owned foreign assets
          • Income paid to foreign held U.S. assets
        • Net transfers
          • Foreign aid
          • Unilateral
          • ex. U.S. giving money to another country due to famine, weather, etc.
      • Capital/Financial Accout
        • Balance of capital ownership
        • Includes the purchase of both real (real estate) and financial (stocks and bonds) assets
        • Direct investment in the U.S. is a credit to the capital account
          • ex. Toyota factory in San Antonio bc Japan makes Toyotas
        • Direct investment by U.S. firms/individuals in a foreign country are debits to the capital account
          • ex. Dell computer factory in Costa Rica
        • The purchase of foreign financial assets represent a debit to the capital account
          • ex. Bill Gates buys stock in Petro-China
        • Purchase of domestic financial assets by foreigners represents a credit to the capital account
          • ex. Venezuela buys stocks in McDonalds
      • Official Reserves
        • The foreign currency holdings of the U.S. Federal Reserve system
        • The official reserves should zero out the balance of payment

    • Formulas - 
    • Balance of trade
      • good exports + good imports
    • Balance on goods and services
      • (goods exports + services exports) - (good imports + services imports)
    •  balance on current accounts
      • balance of trade + net investments + net transfer
    • capital account
      • foreign purchase of assets + the US purchase of assets abroad
