AD/AS Model -

AD/AS Model - 

  • ADAS - The equilibrium of AS and AD determines current output (GDPr) and the price level (PL)
Image result for as/ad model
  • Full Employment - Full employment equilibrium exists where AD intersects SRAS & LRAS at the same point
  • Recessionary Gap - Exists when equilibrium occurs below full employment output
  • Inflationary Gap - Exists when equilibrium occurs beyond full employment output
Inflationary gap
  • Changes in AD
    • u = Unemployment
    • pi = Inflation
▲in AD: 
  • ▲Consumption (C)
    • C↑ ∴ AD → ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↑ ∴ u%↓ and π%↑
    • C↓ ∴ AD ← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↓ ∴ u%↑ and π%↓
  • ▲ Gross Private Investment (Ig)
    • Ig↑ ∴ AD → ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↑ ∴ u%↓ and π%↑
    • Ig↓ ∴ AD ← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL ↓ ∴ u%↑ and π%↓
  • ▲Government Spending (G)
    • G↑ ∴ AD→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↑ ∴ u%↓ and π%↑
    • G↓ ∴ AD← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↓ ∴ u%↑ and π%↓
  • ▲ Net Exports (Xn)
    • Xn↑ ∴ AD→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↑ ∴ u%↓ and π%↑
    • Xn↓ ∴ AD← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↓ ∴ u%↑ and π%↓
Increase in AD
  • C↑, Ig↑, G↑, and/or Xn↑ ∴ AD→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↑ ∴ u%↓ and π%↑
▲ in SRAS:
  • ▲ Input Prices
    • Input Prices↓ ∴ SRAS→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↓ ∴ u%↓ and π%↓
    • Input Prices↑ ∴ SRAS← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↑ ∴ u%↑ and π%↑
  • ▲ Productivity
    • Productivity↑ ∴ SRAS→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↓ ∴ u%↓ and π%↓
    • Productivity↓ ∴ SRAS← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↑ ∴ u%↑ and π%↑
  • ▲ Legal-Institutional Environment
    • Deregulation ∴ SRAS→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↓ ∴ u%↓ and π%↓
    • Regulation ∴ SRAS← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↑ ∴ u%↑ and π%↑
Increase in SRAS: 
  • Input Prices↓, Productivity↑, and/or Deregulation ∴ SRAS→ ∴ GDPR↑ and PL↓ ∴ u%↓ and π%↓
Decrease in SRAS: 
  • Input Prices↑, Productivity↓, and/or Regulation ∴ SRAS← ∴ GDPR↓ and PL↑ ∴ u%↑ and π%↑

  • Keynesian Range:
    • Unemployed resources which results in a recession or depression
    • Includes only levels of real output that are less than the full employment output
  • Intermediate Range:
    • Resources are getting closer to the full employment levels which creates upward pressure on wages and prices
    • The upward pressure on prices is caused by rising cost of doing business.
    • Sticky wages and/or sticky prices cause the AS curve to be positively sloped
    • Wages and prices may be slowed to adjust or sticky if firms or workers lack information
  • Classical Range:
    • When real GDP is at a level with unemployment at the full employment level and where any increase in demand will result only in an increase in prices
    • The economy is unable to produce anymore goods and services for a sustainable period of time
