Inflation -

Inflation -

  • reduces the purchasing power of money 
  • when inflation occurs, each dollar of income will buy fewer goods than ever before
  • Three Causes of Inflation
    1. the government prints too much money 
    2. demand - pull inflation (too many dollars chasing too few goods),  demand pulls up prices
    3. cost - push inflation (high production costs that increases prices) 
    • unanticipated inflation -  unexpected, not prepared
    • Hurt by Inflation -
      1. Lenders - fixed rate 
      2. People on fixed income (Social Security, retirement, etc.)
      3. Savers 
    • Helped by Inflation -
      1. Borrowers / Debtors
      2. a business where the price of a product increases faster than the price of resources
      3. flexible income individuals
    • Unaffected By Inflation - 
      1. ARM - Adjustable rate mortgage 
      2. Salary, Pension, Social Security that receives a COLA (cost of living adjustment)
      • Nominal Interest Rate - unadjusted cost of borrowing or lending money
      • Real Interest Rate - the cost of borrowing or lending money which is adjusted for inflation
        • Nominal Interest Rate - Inflation = Real Interest Rate


      1. The reason why borrowers/ debtors benefit from an unexpected rise in inflation rate is because the money that they have to pay back ends up being worth less than the money they borrowed. Cost of living increases, so the dollar's worth isn't as strong in value as it once was.


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